Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Monster Mash

Looks like the monkey has a cold!

What a cute little monkey! :)

Wyatt in the Bounce House. He loved it, and wouldn't come out!

Wyatt and Daddy before the halloween party

We had a pretty busy week this week... I am trying to think of all we did, but it seemed busy to me. Although I can do like 2 things in a week, and feel like I was so busy... when I really wasn't. We had school on Wednesday after being off for a week, and it didn't go that well. Wyatt cried right when we got into the room and wouldn't let me put him down. He played after a bit and then when it was time for me to leave he was really upset. I guess he cried on and off most of the time... he only likes one of the ladies, Ms. Amy, so if she had to go to another kid, he didn't like that. Hopefully next week is better! We do have a big weekend coming up... we have Ms. Ella Bailey sleeping over tonight, and we are taking her and Wyatt to the ECFE monster mash party. I am not one for big crowds, but they will have fun all dressed up. I will post a pict of them dressed up when I get one. Tomorrow we have our neighbors surprise 40th birthday party... hope he's not reading this! :) Then, I think on Sunday we will get Wyatt' s hair cut... he has a mullet going on that needs to be cut! If we were in Fergus Falls, it could fly, but here in Woodbury, not so much! Have a good weekend!


1 comment:

Molly said...

Looks like Wyatt had a blast! I wish they offered ECFE for under 3 here :( My 2-year-old, Hayden is going as a monkey this year too...technically he wouldn't even need to dress up to go as one! lol ;)
Happy Halloween!
Molly (Junge) Lappegaard