Friday, October 17, 2008

Bummer week

Long time, no blog!

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. We had a pretty rough week this past week. My Grandma Sparky Died last Sunday morning. I got to see her the day before she died and talk to her so I was greatful for that. We went down to Mankato on Wed night and stayed in a hotel and the funeral was yesterday. It was just so sad to see my Grandpa so upset. I did the eulogy and started to cry a few times, but got through it. Wyatt had a long couple days. Rod was on Wyatt duty a lot of the time, and I am so greatful that he is such a good dad and could keep him entertained. He did have to take him out during the funeral, but that is to be expected with any 2 year old I think! Marit is here until tomorrow. We are going to the MOA today, which will be a zoo with MEA, but Wyatt likes the rides. Have a good weekend!


1 comment:

Downstream said...

Natalie, nice blog! I love this photo of the girls with Grandma. Too bad Katie wasn't there, too. I will check in often to see updates on Wyatt! Kim